Here you will find great collection of funny, silly and corny plant based pick up lines for vegans and vegetarians and anyone else who likes Plant based Pick Up Lines. Every plant lovers will love this funny jokes about plant based pick up lines.
Find more amazing pick up lines at PickUpLines.nuCan I plant my vegetable seeds in your garden?
Can I plow that field and plant some seeds?
Could I know your ideal plant species or could it be me?
Do you drink almond milk? Because you look like you need my nuts.
Hey baby, I just want you to know I drink almond milk!
If life is a garden, then I should dig you.
Soo...what's your favorite kind of soymilk?
Will we use your organic garden or mine?
Feel free to share these vegan and vegetarian jokes with your family, friends, relatives, co-workers, classmates, partner, training buddy or on social media!
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