Here you will find great collection of funny, silly and corny veggie pick up lines for vegans and vegetarians and anyone else who likes Veggie Pick Up Lines. Every plant lovers will love this funny jokes about veggie pick up lines.
Find more amazing pick up lines at PickUpLines.nuFor you, I would invent good veggie recipes that we can eat together.
Hey, girl, how about us visit this summer veggie gazpacho tonight?
I bet you could really go for a hot veggie dog right about now.
If you were a veggie burger, I would totally eat you.
Mmmmm. I could really go for a hot veggie dog right about now.
Veggie girl, I’d give you a generous tip because you have been generous with me tonight.
What is your favourite dip for these veggie fries? Because right now mine is your lovely lips.
You go well with every veggie food I eat. You make them taste better.
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