Here you will find great collection of funny, silly and corny short vegan quotes for vegans and vegetarians and anyone else who likes Short quotes. Every plant lovers will love this funny jokes about short quotes.
Find more inspiring and motivational quotes at Quote of the Day!Animals are my friends, and I don't eat my friends.
Animals are not ingredients.
Cows scream louder than carrots.
Earth was created for all of us, not some of us.
Embrace compassion without exception.
Every living creature has the right to live ethically.
How can you eat anything with eyes?
I call myself a vegetarian with vegan tendencies.
If animals could speak, mankind would weep.
Invalid food choices lead to invalid people.
It's totally natural to me to be vegan.
I’m a vegan. It makes me feel really good and bright.
Let food by thy medicine and medicine be thy food.
Life is too short to make others shorter.
May all that have life be delivered from suffering.
Meat is murder
My body will not be a tomb for other creatures.
Non-injury to living beings is the highest religion.
Real Men Eat Plants
Veganism is not a sacrifice, it’s a joy.
Veganism is not a sacrifice. It is a joy.
We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals.
You can't do anything violent humanely.
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